W3C - News

  • Consortium Members elect Board of Directors

    We are pleased to announce that W3C Consortium Members have elected the following seven people, listed in alphabetical order, to the World Wide Web Consortium, Inc. Board of Directors:Koichi MoriyamaChris NeedhamFlorian RivoalEric SiowLéonie WatsonChris WilsonHongru (Judy) ZhuThey join Directors appointed by our current Partners: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, Chunming Hu, Jun Murai (respectively by ERCIM, France; Beihang University, China; and WCAP, Japan); Founding Director Tim Berners-Lee who acts as a non-voting Board member, and Gonzalo Camarillo who is board-elected.All Board terms are for two years, starting 26 September 2024 until 30 September 2026.We thank the 11 candidates who run in this election.The W3C Board of Directors is the governing body of the Consortium. The Board has ultimate authority on its strategic direction, has legal obligations and fiduciary responsibility over W3C as a whole. Directors are formally responsible for the correct running of the organization; this is generally characterized in three broad “fiduciary” duties: (1) a duty of care (to exercise good business judgment of a reasonable person with their experience); (2) duty of loyalty (to serve the best interest of the organization); and (3) a duty of obedience (in accordance with all applicable laws and rules). W3C Board of Directors seats are non-paid positions.Learn more about the W3C Board of Directors responsibilities.

  • First Public Working Draft: CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3

    The CSS Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3. This module introduces masonry layout as an additional layout mode for CSS Grid containers.

  • First Public Working Draft: CSS Values and Units Module Level 5

    The CSS Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of CSS Values and Units Module Level 5. This CSS module describes the common values and units that CSS properties accept and the syntax used for describing them in CSS property definitions.

  • W3C announces Sylvia Cadena as inaugural Chief Development Officer

    Sylvia Cadena, W3C Chief Development Officer The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is hiring an inaugural Chief Development Officer. Sylvia Cadena joins the Team full-time mid-September, working remotely from Brisbane, Australia.W3C became a public-interest incorporated not-for-profit organization in 2023, a pivotal evolution since our establishment in 1994 as a cooperation between four academic institutions, compelling us to adopt a new structure, diversify funding to be in a better position to succeed in our mission. Sylvia joins us at this decisive time to help us set direction and ensure the longevity of our organization by defining our vision for financial security and development, by planning and implementing strategies to secure donors, grants, and contributions in support of the organization, and by communicating effectively the organization’s philanthropic value proposition, thus accelerating growth and success of our development portfolio.Learn more about Sylvia's background and new role in our press release.

  • First Public Working Draft: CSS Easing Functions Level 2

    The CSS Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of CSS Easing Functions Level 2. This CSS module describes a way for authors to define a transformation that controls the rate of change of some value. Applied to animations, such transformations can be used to produce animations that mimic physical phenomena such as momentum or to cause the animation to move in discrete steps producing robot-like movement. Level 2 adds more sophisticated functions for custom easing curves.

  • Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 3 is a W3C Recommendation

    The Dataset Exchange Working Group published Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 3 as a W3C Recommendation. DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use. DCAT enables a publisher to describe datasets and data services in a catalog using a standard model and vocabulary that facilitates the consumption and aggregation of metadata from multiple catalogs. This can increase the discoverability of datasets and data services. It also makes it possible to have a decentralized approach to publishing data catalogs and makes federated search for datasets across catalogs in multiple sites possible using the same query mechanism and structure. Aggregated DCAT metadata can serve as a manifest file as part of the digital preservation process.

  • First Public Working Draft: Federated Credential Management API

    The Federated Identity Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of Federated Credential Management API, a Web Platform API that allows users to login to websites with their federated accounts in a privacy preserving manner.

  • Hiring: W3C Director of Legal and Compliance

    We are working with Virtual, in our search for a Director of Legal and Compliance, to find qualified candidates with experience in non-profit organizations, for full-time remote work in the USA, to ensure W3C operates in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations throughout the world, to advise on all legal matters, to guide the organization's policies, ultimately furthering our mission and goals. To apply, please refer to the vacancy page on Virtual's website. The position is for remote work from anywhere in the USA.

  • Updated W3C Recommendation: WOFF File Format 2.0

    The Web Fonts Working Group has published WOFF File Format 2.0 as an updated W3C Recommendation. Based on experience with WOFF 1.0, which is widely deployed, this specification was developed to provide improved compression and thus lower use of network bandwidth, while still allowing fast decompression even on mobile devices. This is achieved by combining a content-aware preprocessing step and improved entropy coding, compared to the Flate compression used in WOFF 1.0.

  • W3C opens community-wide survey

    For the first time, W3C is conducting a community-wide survey. We want to get to know our community better, investigate needs, and understand our community’s vision of how we fulfill our mission for the world-wide web. This survey is being run through Typeform, an online survey platform that supports all major operating systems, is accessible, and has been tested to confirm compatibility with assistive technologies. This survey is open to W3C Members and people who participate in W3C group activities, and anyone involved in the Web. It is anonymous and takes 6 minutes or more to complete. W3C Members received a different link as we have 4 additional questions specific to W3C Members. So two versions of the survey are being circulated, one for members and one for non-members. Please take the survey if you are interested in the impact of web standards on humanity and help us disseminate it by sharing it with your friends, your team(s), your networks, etc.The survey closes on Friday 13 September 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!English: Members ・ externalFrench: Members ・ externalJapanese: Members ・ externalChinese: Members ・ external

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